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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Due date Author
301SupportNewNormalEditorial notes: Unit-Owner-Organisation-Text02/21/2017 02:08 PML. Lertsutham
300SupportNewNormalEditorial notes: SourceInstitutionID02/21/2017 02:09 PML. Lertsutham
299SupportNewNormalcreate controlled vocabulary: PalaeontologicalUnit-Completeness02/21/2017 02:10 PML. Lertsutham
298SupportNewNormalEditorial notes: Unit02/21/2017 02:12 PML. Lertsutham
297SupportNewNormalRules in Content02/21/2017 02:12 PMM. Petersen
296SupportNewNormalNotes in Content02/21/2017 02:14 PMM. Petersen
292SupportNewNormalremove Element TimeZone02/21/2017 02:39 PMM. Petersen
282SupportNewNormalMetadata: Develop a list of recommended terms for GeoEcologicalTerm02/21/2017 03:23 PMB. Baltruschat
214SupportNewNormalZoology: Authors and year of new combination identified for unit02/21/2017 03:24 PMM. Petersen
208SupportNewNormalCollection owner vs. person representing collection owner02/21/2017 03:26 PMM. Petersen
284SupportIn ProgressNormalSpelling of Elements in Container UnitAssociation02/23/2017 01:46 PMM. Petersen
475BugFeedbackNormaluse decimalLatitudeDataType and decimalLongitudeDataType for abcd2:Gathering-LatitudeDecimal and abcd2:Gathering-LongitudeDecimal respectively11/26/2018 09:36 AMD. Fichtmüller
294BugFeedbackNormalrename duplicate element PermitG. Dröge11/26/2018 09:51 AMM. Petersen

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