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Toggle check # Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Due date Author
292SupportNewNormalremove Element TimeZone02/21/2017 02:39 PMM. Petersen
294BugFeedbackNormalrename duplicate element PermitG. Dröge11/26/2018 09:51 AMM. Petersen
383SupportNewNormalRename element Date to DateTime02/21/2017 01:19 PMB. Baltruschat
342SupportNewNormalreview definitions of abcd2:Sequence and subelementsG. Dröge01/25/2017 04:20 PML. Lertsutham
180FeatureNewNormalRevise IPR / Copyright sectionJ. Holetschek01/23/2017 11:30 AMA. Güntsch
480BugNewNormalrework abcd2:Gathering-SiteCoordinates attibutes: @begin @end and @original01/25/2017 02:46 PMD. Fichtmüller
297SupportNewNormalRules in Content02/21/2017 02:12 PMM. Petersen
284SupportIn ProgressNormalSpelling of Elements in Container UnitAssociation02/23/2017 01:46 PMM. Petersen
374BugIn ProgressNormalTechnical: Change Element with *URI back to *URL01/23/2017 05:33 PMB. Baltruschat
417SupportNewNormalURI vs URLM. Petersen02/21/2017 01:06 PMM. Petersen
475BugFeedbackNormaluse decimalLatitudeDataType and decimalLongitudeDataType for abcd2:Gathering-LatitudeDecimal and abcd2:Gathering-LongitudeDecimal respectively11/26/2018 09:36 AMD. Fichtmüller
382SupportNewNormalUse only the DateTimeISO type01/24/2017 04:30 PMB. Baltruschat
214SupportNewNormalZoology: Authors and year of new combination identified for unit02/21/2017 03:24 PMM. Petersen

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