Support #299
Updated by D. Fichtmüller about 8 years ago
<p>xpath: /DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/PalaeontologicalUnit/Preservation/Completeness</p>
<p>content: An indication of the completeness of the representation of an organism in a palaeontological specimen.</p>
<p>So far only as examples values in the documentation, but possible candidats for controlled vocabularies:</p>
<p>Are there comparable vocabularies in botany or zoology?</p> <p>Gibt es vergleichbares für Botanik / Zoologie?</p>
<p>content: An indication of the completeness of the representation of an organism in a palaeontological specimen.</p>
<p>So far only as examples values in the documentation, but possible candidats for controlled vocabularies:</p>
<p>Are there comparable vocabularies in botany or zoology?</p> <p>Gibt es vergleichbares für Botanik / Zoologie?</p>