Support #324

Editorial notes: reference to existing geographic standards for abcd2:Gathering-Country-Name

Added by L. Lertsutham over 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:11/15/2016
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:Missing Concept(s)
Target version:-


xpath: /DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Gathering/Country/Name

content: The full name of the country or major region where the specimen was collected, or the observation made. The use of this element is slightly ambiguous in that local practice might require either a verbatim quote from specimen labels, or standardisation by controlled vocabulary or lookup lists. It is recommended that the spelling of the country be that which is recognised by the International Standards Organisation (ISO). For cases where country names or boundaries have changed, it is recommended that new country names be enclosed in square brackets, after the old country name. The 2-letter ISO codes in the ISO Code for Country of Origin field assist with updating and cross referencing country names where boundaries change. Separate fields for state/province and country are needed to adequately handle the situation with international collections. If the name of the country where the plant was collected is unknown, then this field should contain the value 'UNKNOWN'. In this case, the ISO Code for Country of Origin field must have the entry 'XX' or 'XY'. All remaining 'location group' fields should be left unfilled.

editorial notes: This element is also covered by various geographic standards and may be better covered by reference to these. [JRC]


#1 Updated by D. Fichtmüller about 8 years ago

  • Project changed from ABCD 3.0 Project to ABCD
  • Subject changed from Editorial notes: Name to Editorial notes: reference to existing geographic standards for abcd2:Gathering-Country-Name
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Category set to Missing Concept(s)
  • Status changed from New to Rejected

We already have abcd2:Gathering-Country-ISO3166Code as a standarized way of expressing the country and countries is a very likely candidate to be covered by task #290 as well which means we will have an element/attribute to hold external references/identifiers to the countries.

So there is no need to either change the element definition of this one or add another one with a controlled vocabulary for it.

Additionally this element is used to export/publish the data as it stored in the various data bases. This means that country names can be written in different languages (hence the @language attribute) or have different spellings. And while standarized spellings and language use would be highly appreciated and recommended it will break many existing installations when the users are forced to adhere to a specific controlled vocabulary for this element.

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